by Kerry DeVivo
Beth started Pilates with us in 2021. She quickly shared our passion for Pilates. Beth started with one session per week, then she became and EPA Mobile Member, and now you can find Beth at the studio a few times per week. We’ve seen great progress for Beth in meeting her goals and transferring what she learns in Pilates to her very active lifestyle. Beth owns Sage Vintage* which keeps her lifting, pushing, pulling all day long. Something Pilates has helped support.
I asked Beth three questions about her Pilates practice. Here are her responses.
What inspired you to start Pilates sessions?
Wow, so much motivated me to try! I guess the first thing would be that I was always very athletic and strong when I was younger, and Pilates was one of those mysterious things that I had heard about but had never tried. As I got older, I found myself struggling with a slower metabolism and hormone shifts that suddenly changed how my body felt and moved through space. Everything on which I had relied in the past no longer worked, so I decided to try something completely new!
Secondly, I was (and still am) a pretty competitive person when it comes to sports and physical activities, and I didn’t want to shy away from a new challenge. I promised myself that no matter how hard it was for me to get started or how foreign the workout, I would not quit until I had attended 12 sessions.

Lastly, the tipping point for me actually going through with trying Pilates was a challenging treetop ropes course I did on vacation in my early 50’s. I was only *barely* able to complete it. That was the last straw for me, and I came straight home and signed up for my first introductory class at Excel Pilates Annapolis.
How has your Pilates practice affected your life?
Pilates has affected almost every area of my life. Not only did I regain the strength that used to come naturally when I was younger, but I also regained all the self-confidence that comes with being able to rely on my body to lift, climb and balance once again. I have been busy opening a new business in Annapolis selling mid-century furniture, and almost every day involves me lifting very heavy pieces, climbing in and out of truck beds, climbing ladders…you name it. Pilates strength is real, my friends! I also use Pilates to mitigate my hereditary back pain. There is simply no way I would be able to be as active as I am without the benefits of this exercise method. P.S. I went back and did that ropes course again this summer, and nailed it!!
What is one of your favorite Pilates exercises?

Oh for sure, 6-point frog is one of my favs! I love all things leg springs, but that exercise is at the top of the list. It targets several areas at once for me that just feel great during and after.
As Joseph Pilates states in his book Return to Life, “Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.” Beth, thank you for inspiring us to commit to maintaining physical fitness so we can enjoy or tasks with zest!
Shop Local. Check out Beth’s amazing location, it is beautiful and inspiring. Here’s a little more from Beth about her business and her motivation behind Sage Vintage.
*Sage Vintage a destination shopping experience in the heart of Annapolis’ Design District. My obsession with curating, collecting and selling authentic Mid-Century modern furniture and decor at all price points has filled our 1,376 sq ft warehouse. Whether furnishing your first place or seeking highly coveted, collectible pieces, Sage Vintage is THE source in Annapolis for designers and consumers alike looking for Mid-Century furnishings and vibes!

You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @shopsagevintage, or in-person at 1805C Virginia St, directly across from In Home Stone. Like and follow us for current inventory and more information on our special events!
We are currently open every Wednesday-Friday from 10am- 5pm, as well as one weekend per month.We also offer by-appointment private shopping 7 days a week.
Sage Vintage
1805C Virginia St., Annapolis MD 21401