Excel Pilates Teacher Training Program
Sample Program Outline
Four 20-Hour Seminars – Learning Beginning Through Advanced Pilates Systems
The seminar outline and dates are available upon request.
0-200 Hours After First Semester
- Solo practice and observations of Pilates sessions with a certified instructor
- Practice teaching friends and family in presence of a certified instructor
- Maintain log and journal, regular check-in with advising instructor
- Weekly one-on-one sessions with certified instructors are highly encouraged
- Participation in all Powerhouse-hour workshops throughout the apprenticeship
- Two case studies are completed throughout the duration of the apprenticeship
- Testing on Basic Systems at 200 hours

200-400 Hours
- Practice Teaching, Apprentice Teaching with approval, under the supervision of a certified instructor
- Observation of Pilates sessions with a certified instructor
- Maintain log and journal, regular check-in with advising instructor
- Minimum of two solo workouts per week
- Testing on Intermediate Systems at 400 hours
400-600 Hours
- Practice Teaching, Apprentice Teaching with approval, under the supervision of a certified instructor
- Maintain log and journal, regular check-in with advising instructor
- Minimum of two solo workouts per week
- Final Testing at 600 hours
Observation, solo workout, demonstration, one-on-one sessions, and teaching hours at Excel Pilates Annapolis, Excel Pilates DC, or Excel Pilates NoVa apply toward the program. While enrolled in the Teacher Training Program, all teaching must take place at Excel Pilates Annapolis, Excel Pilates DC, or Excel Pilates NoVa.
Contact the studio location you wish to apply to:
Excel Pilates Annapolis, 410-897-0550, mail@excelpilatesannapolis.com
Excel Pilates DC, 202-269-3020, info@excelpilates.com
Excel Pilates Northern Virginia, 703-623-8100, info@excelpilatesnova.com