To ensure that all clients have a positive and safe Pilates experience, please read all of the guidelines below. Thank you.

Please refer to our monthly newsletter, the Scoop, for studio updates and announcements. In order to receive this correspondence, and other studio notifications, it is important to opt IN for emails in your Vagaro profile. Vagaro in our online scheduling system.
Email is the best way to contact us as the entire team sees all emails.To reach the studio for scheduling, general assistance, or if you’re running late, email us at mail at (add us to your contacts). Please place all calls, including returned calls, to the studio number at 410.897.0550. We return ALL correspondence within 24 hours (except for weekends). If you do not receive a response, technology has failed; try to reach us again. Please do not text the studio.
Please note that voicemail and email are not checked outside of normal administrative hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Clients schedule for Monday sessions, please keep these office hours in mind for any needed changes to your schedule.
Do not respond to automated emails from Vagaro. These auto-generated emails from Vagaro are sent out 48 hours prior to appointments as a reminder and confirmation of your session.
A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for cancellation, regardless of reason. If you need to cancel a scheduled appointment, you must notify Excel Pilates Annapolis, Inc. via phone, email, or cancel via Vagaro at least 24 hours in advance or you will be held responsible for payment in full. If you have a standing appointment, inconsistent attendance may result in the loss of that time slot, regardless of advance notice.
One-on-one, duet, trio, and small group sessions are 50 minutes in length from the scheduled appointment time. If you are late, you will be charged for the entire session and will receive the remainder of your session time only. If you are in a duet, trio, or small group and are more than 10 minutes late to your session, it is up to the teacher’s discretion whether you may participate in the session. This is for your safety as well as the safety and cohesiveness of the session for the other participants. If you are tardy and are not permitted to participate, the 24-hour cancellation policy still applies.
Ten (10) session cards are valid for three months from the date of purchase. Unused balances of 10 session cards can be refunded or transferred prior to expiration. The used portion of the card will convert to a single class rate and the balance will be refunded, less a 3% processing fee for all cards purchased via credit card. 10 session cards must be used within 12 weeks of purchase. Unused account balances are available for three months from date of purchase and may be refunded prior to expiration, less a 3% processing fee for all purchases made via credit card
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our Inclement Weather Policy found on our website under our Session Policies page.
Part of our commitment to every Excel Pilates Annapolis, Inc. client is to provide a supportive atmosphere where clients may grow, learn, and be guided toward reaching their fitness potential. Our facility does not have the ability to provide child care.
Our reception area is reserved for clients pre/post-session and is not adequate in size nor staffed for unattended children. It is not safe to have children in the studio area. Therefore, we request clients do not bring children to the studio. It is not appropriate to bring children who are home sick to the studio.
Please place personal belongings in the provided storage area in the reception area or use hooks provided in the studio dressing room. Please leave chairs free for others to sit. Excel Pilates Annapolis, Inc. shall not be held responsible for any articles lost, stolen, or damaged in or about the studio. Excel Pilates Annapolis, Inc. is not responsible for car damage or theft.
Do not bring food or drink into the studio. Water bottles only please.
In consideration of others, turn off/silence cell phones prior to entering the studio.
Remove shoes at the studio entry. Put apple watches on do not disturb mode.
Do not wear clothing with zippers or any jewelry, watches, etc. that may harm the apparatus.
Avoid wearing perfume/cologne or scented lotions/creams to your session.
Maintain a soft voice between sessions if another session is underway.
Enter studio no more than 5 minutes prior to your session.
Contact the studio within a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to cancel a session, following the cancellation policy.
Read updates posted at the studio entry/reception area.
Clients must adhere to the current Client Health Protocol requirements as described in the Client Health Protocol document signed prior to your session, as well as the most updated version which can be found on our website.
We require that clients who are sick in any way not attend sessions. Do not come to the studio with a cough. It is difficult to exercise and it is distracting to other clients. Any client who is sick or appears sick will be required to immediately leave the studio and we reserve the right to not teach your session. The 24-hour cancellation policy is applied in full and we appreciate your consideration of others. As always, we encourage clients to think ahead and cancel early. However, if you are ill, contact the studio to discuss the option to move your in-studio session to an online session.
Avoid eating a large meal prior to your session; however, it is important that you are well rested and nourished.
While we strongly advise not smoking, if you do smoke, avoid smoking 30 minutes before and after your session.
During the Winter weather it is important to wear layers so you can keep your muscles warm and be able to shed layers as you heat up.
When you practice Pilates exercises at home, practice them in order and in a safe environment (with enough cushion for your spine). Only practice exercises you have learned in your sessions.
Bring any prior injury information to the attention of your teacher. If you feel any pain or discomfort during an exercise, alert your teacher so modifications can be made.