Pilates Empowerment by Kerry De Vivo Kerry standing with the Bust ofJoseph Pilates in New York, NY Since every store is now fully displaying holiday cheer, we can admit…
Pilates Empowerment by Kerry De Vivo Kerry standing with the Bust ofJoseph Pilates in New York, NY Since every store is now fully displaying holiday cheer, we can admit…
The Gift of Teaching Pilates by Kerry De Vivo Pilates Empowerment September 2015 Scoop Twenty nine years ago, through my dance training, I stumbled across Pilates. I consider it…
PILATES PROFILE August 2013 Scoop by Kelly Lange, featured Excel Pilates Annapolis client It was by chance – and because of a sore throat – that I discovered Pilates….
The “Secret Weapon” August, 2015 Scoopby Kerry De Vivo “My doctor told me to strengthen my core.” I have heard this countless times from newcomers to Pilates. Many of…
Pilates Empowerment by Kerry De Vivo July 2015 Scoop Pilates: The Fountain of Youth for Baby Boomers Baby boomers are redefining the way we look at aging. The 76…
TAKE PILATES WITH YOU Pilates Empowerment June 2015 Scoop by Kerry De Vivo TAKE PILATES WITH YOU Summer officially begins in just a few weeks. Along with the change…
Pilates IS for Men February 2015 ScoopPilates Empowermentby Kerry De VivoOn Sunday, at a Superbowl party, a friend told me he had to get started with Pilates as he…
January 2015 Scoop Pilates Empowerment by Kerry De Vivo Kerry with the bronze bust of Joe Pilates at The Pilates Studio in NYC Click here to learn more! Pilates, a Way…