March 2013 Scoop
by Kerry De Vivo


When it comes to a Pilates workout, it truly matters how you get on/off the apparatus, whether the studio mat, the reformer, etc. And, it matter how you get yourself from point A to point B between exercises.

Years ago, I taught my sister her first Pilates session.  When she finished the hundred on the reformer, I gave her the instruction to “Come to standing”.  She said, “You mean, GET UP?”.  Yes, I did mean get up, but my choice of words was designed to hopefully invoke some though as to HOW to get up.  You see, Joseph Pilates designed his exercises so that your daily tasks and actions would be performed with movements that you were more thoughtful of and prepared for.  It’s great to come to the studio and do all of your exercises well.  But the idea is to take those ideas into your “real” world vs. fall apart once you exit the studio, which modern life so quickly attempts.  Transitions on/off apparatus and between exercises are excellent opportunities to practice “daily tasks”.

In the exercises themselves, we all know to employ focus, to concentrate and be mind-full of what we’re doing.  When you get on the reformer, do so properly.  This is the first thing you are taught at my studio when you get to the reformer.  Between exercises, be efficient, stay focused, use your powerhouse to transition.  Transitions are not a time pause the physical or mental components of a Pilates workout.  For example, keep your core engaged as you set the short box in place.  Do not allow your mind to wander to your to-do list.  Transitions are not a time for non-Pilates related conversation.  I cannot image asking Joe Pilates if he watched the Oscars between exercises.  I’d fear for my life!  The point is to stay 100% engaged in your session, making every exercise and transition between exercises, a conscious action.  Then you will receive all the rich benefits of this magnificent method of body conditioning.  This includes a well-balanced mind (view the Pilates’ quote for the month, above).

Not sure of some of your transitions, or want to learn more?  Ask your teacher.  We’re happy to help you, in fact we love getting such requests!