Pilates Empowerment, July 2012 Scoop

Pilates Empowerment, July 2012 Scoop
by Kerry De Vivo

At the end of last month, I had an experience that taught me to LIVE IN THE MOMENT.  You know, that old cliche we’ve all hear a million times?   I thought I already did that to some degree.  But I realized, I was wrong.  My experience pointed out the finer details of this cliche.  Yes it’s live in the moment, but what’s the moment?  Well it’s not in the moment that’s imposed on you or the moment you impose on yourself, rather live in the moment that you create and that you can be “present” to fully experience.
So, what does this have to do with our Pilates workouts? EVERYTHING, and that’s why I’m sharing this with you. Joseph Pilates referred to his exercise method as a form of physical, mental and spiritual conditioning.  Imagine a workout where you are moving through the exercises living in the moment that YOU create.  A workout where you feel no imposed concepts, expectations, or goals.  Simply a workout that honors the moment, where you are at that day and time and that you are fully mentally present for.  A workout without external chatter that interfers with the full level of concentration (one of the six Pilates principles).  A workout that leaves you available to live your life with “spontaneous zest and pleasure” as Joseph Pilates said. 
So live in the moment and we’ll look forward to sharing that moment with you!